Tuesday, October 26, 2010

7a.m platinum

Possibly the closest shave I have gotten next to the feather blades. These blades feel abnormally thin next to other blades. They come in a cardboard box, no dispose unit attached.

They are double sealed in an outter coat and an inner coat of wax paper. They have a thin one coat seal on the outside of the blade. I got about 5 shaves out of it before I felt a reduction in sharpness. Very smooth shave and awesome around the neck and chin. Very sharp, very affordable. Great blade for a beginner to start out on because you can really feel the cutting edge.


  1. Ever since you changed your domain name I noticed your newer posts are no longer coming up in my blogger dashboard, and didn't realize that till today, when I went hunting for your new domain name lol. I'll have to read through the newest posts after the lathering one a bit later today.

  2. Do you shave against the grain, or with it, or both? That does make a significant difference in how it feels afterward.

  3. I usually just stick with my electric shaver for speed and durability. Is it really worth it to use disposable razors for shaving?

  4. Looks sick! Will try when I get my razor :D

  5. Amazing. This blog is comprehensive... I respect your authority!

  6. I can never get a good shave shaving with the grain so I usually go against it which probably isn't the best idea!

  7. this is a good review... I bought this, and it's coming to me :)
