Wednesday, October 20, 2010

BEST Acne Treatment

If you've ever turned on a radio, watched TV or walked down the aisle in a drug store or super market you know that Acne is BIG business. Why? It sucks. It sucks to have zits all over your face. It kills your self-confidence and just SUCKS! If you've had acne in the past or have it now you can totally relate to this. You've probably paid a ton for products too. Rx medication for acne treatments is crazy expensive and often has some insane side effects. By now you probably know that DE shaving will help clear up blemishes. Check out this facial scrub. It doesn't smell like perfume. It's got salicyclic acid in it, and some serious scrubbing power. I use it a few times a week before I shave and my skin is virtually flawless. It gets rid of black heads and scrubs whatever dirt and crap you have in your pores out. It's 2 bucks a bottle too.


  1. Man I just found your blog and it's one of the best blogs I have ever read! I'm going to buy a real blade, a badger brush, and some real shave cream :D!

  2. Acne definitely destroys self confidence. Gotta take care of that stuff!

  3. I've found that it's effective to use a product like this, dab-dry your face and apply a moisturizing lotion. Why? Drying out your skin with a product just makes your skin produce even more oils. The lotion stops your clean skin from needing to produce more oil.

    More people should try using lotion after a shower/wash, male OR female.

  4. I'm a try it out when I finish using the other 18 bottles of acne cream/facial scrub I was told would work...

  5. How harsh is this one on your skin? Specially those of us with sensitive skin.

  6. I can attest to this... I use this daily

  7. So clarify for us: would you recommend any salicyclic acid product, or this one in particular. $2 a bottle is hard to beat though.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question earlier. This has to be the most informative blog I follow.

  8. I want to try this where can you get it?

    Also moisturizing your skin is wonderful for acne like edward said. I used clean&clear body spray for acne, not sure what it's actually called though, it worked but I went through it pretty quick and blotches came back as soon as I ran out...

  9. Actually the method works morning OR night. The goal isn't to leave it on your face in glops. You have to rub in it so it isn't wet but still feels soft/moist.

  10. I'm down to try what's the brand? "Up & Up" ?

  11. Interesting stuff in here... thanks

  12. What is the availability of this country wise?

  13. oww Ive actually used this stuff, I enjoy the microbeads.
