Sometimes some people really can't prevent it. Whether it be genetic or environmental there are thousands of reasons for unclear skin. If you suffer from some serious acne consult a physician. If you're like many of us and just have blemished skin here and there these tips will drastically improve your appearance.
- If your a guy and still shave with typical store bought cartridge razors, switch over to a safety razor.
- Women too, consider a safety razor. Also, quit waxing. Consider laser hair removal.
- Don't be a dirt bag. Wash your bed sheets and your pillow covers weekly.
- Sleep with a clean cotton towel on your pillow. Rotate it around so you're sleeping on a "fresh" surface every night.
- Keep your hair clean.
- Stop touching your face. It's disgusting and you're just smothering filth all over it with your hands.
- Don't use aftershaves with alcohol bases, they dry your skin out and hyperactivate your sebaceous glands.
- Don't over due it on face cleansers. Everyone is unique. I naturally have oily skin, I use an exfolient twice a week.
- If your skin is shiny and tight you're washing it too much.
If you've got some serious acne, you need to consult a physcian. If you're like most of us check out these acne treatments below.
- A good exfolient works wonders. Use it.
- Disposible wipes are cheap and effective at getting dirt and filth off your face thoughout the day.
- Switch over to a DE razor.
- I didn't know people actually do this, but use hot water when you wash your face. I got a message from someone who though hot water caused acne. Weird I know.
- Keep your face happy, don't let it get to dryed out. How? Though?
Before you shave, wet your face with some nice hot water. Get your bottle, and drip about 5 drops into the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together, then smear your face up. Hit it all. Don't add more than 5 drops, its unecessary. Continue shaving like you normally would. Give it a few days and you'll start to notice how insanely soft and smooth your skin is. The oil helps as a preshave, and as a post shave because it'll keep your skin happy. Olive oil? Yeah, its been around for five THOUSAND years and the egyptians used it, so it has to be good. I'll put this conconction up against ANY preshave oil on the market and win hands down. Its actually got a great smell and probably costs less than 25 cents a bottle. What are your questions?
BEST Acne Treatment
If you've ever turned on a radio, watched TV or walked down the aisle in a drug store or super market you know that Acne is BIG business. Why? It sucks. It sucks to have zits all over your face. It kills your self-confidence and just SUCKS! If you've had acne in the past or have it now you can totally relate to this. You've probably paid a ton for products too. Rx medication for acne treatments is crazy expensive and often has some insane side effects. By now you probably know that DE shaving will help clear up blemishes. Check out this facial scrub. It doesn't smell like perfume. It's got salicyclic acid in it, and some serious scrubbing power. I use it a few times a week before I shave and my skin is virtually flawless. It gets rid of black heads and scrubs whatever dirt and crap you have in your pores out. It's 2 bucks a bottle too.
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