Monday, October 25, 2010

Acne Treatments

So friends and family have been dumping off all kinds of cleansers, exfolients, creams and gels with little notes attached to them, "Please review this on your blog so more people don't waste their money on this garbage" Yet again, we are reviewing a product that sucks. At ten dollars a bottle, you'll get yourself HALF AN OUNCE of product. Talk about EXPENSIVE. It smells terrible and is comparable to a liquid bottle of dial soap. As far as Acne Treatments go, this is probably one of the most expensive over the counter available items. You're paying for the name. Save yourself time and money and pick up products I've reviewed and save these products for the suckers.


  1. I'll try this out!

    (btw, in my shaving post, I updated the URL to point to your new address)

  2. Poor Burt's it's so bad, little company started out good and has turned quite bad. D:

  3. If only burt's bees was more affordable! Love the stuff.
